Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Eve

I wanted to share with you guys how cool Christmas eve was for me. Kim meeker and I had a tradition Western Christmas dinner at the Youth Pastors house and then went to late candle light service. i had lost my voice the day before with a bad cold so i could hardly speak let along sing during the service, which in the end was cool blessing. The service started with everyone sharing how to say "Merry Christmas" in their native tongue; there must have been at least 10 languages repersented. Then all together we started to sing all the normal christmas songs together. here is the cool prt: After the first verse or so of every song everryone started to sing in their own language and not being able to sing myself I able to hear it clerly. So literally around me was 4 to 5 different languages singing same song. It was really powerful to see how diverse the body of christ actually is and see it for atleast one night function as one. There we all were looking and sounding differently, but united as one in our belief in Christ. yep, God took good care of me over the holiday. hope all of you are well.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That sounds amazing! I'm glad you had a good Christmas. Lots of Love!!
Little J

hlw said...

that's AWESOME!!!!