Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Thai hair cut

So I finally got my hair cut in Thailand, but what a cultural experience. My barbar was a nice guy who spoke quasi-english named something on the lines of "Shashoo" which he told me ment "young one". As the hair cut went along both of us got nervous. We definalely were miss understanding each other. At first he made me a dome like hair cut which made me look like a I was wearing a astronots helmet. Then inorder to take the roundness out of it we both realized that my hair cut was starting to get pretty short and make all the worst he kept on using thinning clippers for some reason on top. We both started to wonder if i was going to end up bald by the end of the experience. Thankfully both of us were able to laugh about whole thing as we sweated out the ordeal. In the end it came out pretty good; a little shorter than normal, yet not bald. On coolest things is he used a razor blade to clean up and shape my sideburns. I am not sure why i did not get razor burn from it because it hurt like hell, but in the end i looked pretty good and had a fun cultural experience. i will try to put a picture up of my hair in next few days, but this internet that I am using is way too slow.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like this would have been fun to watch!! lol. I'm glad the haircut turned out okay!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Still waiting to see that lovely haircut ya!